Read the 2021 annual review of the Light Up Your Heart campaign

Ce bilan met en lumière le formidable impact de la générosité et l’impérieuse nécessité de poursuivre notre élan commun pour faire reculer les arythmies du cœur et sauver plus de vies.

Lire le bilan ici

“MERCI ! Ensemble nous offrons un avenir en santé aux personnes atteintes de maladies du rythme cardiaque.” Dr Mélèze Hocini, Directrice de la campagne


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On the launch of its capital campaign «LIGHT UP YOUR HEART» and on the World Heart Day, Liryc welcomed its community of donors and partners during an exceptional evening at Château Pape Clément. The Liryc teams took this opportunity to thank the institute’s first major donors.

« We are writing the beautiful pages of rhythmology, together, I am sure that the best is yet to come ». Prof Pierre Jaïs, General Director of Liryc.

Relive the emotion of this exceptional and engaging evening, designed to bring guests into the Liryc’s world: a virtual reality experience in a heart, a patient – doctor – donor crossed views, a testimony of a committed ambassador, and a therapeutic revolution presentation.

Watch the video here.


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« The funding from the Liryc’s internal call really allows us to build innovative projects based on emerging and promising research ideas. « 

Maxime YON, post-doc toral researcher – Imaging team – one of the 2020 internal call’s winners.

Funded by a donation from Mark and Laura Bailey, the Liryc Institute’s 2021 internal call aims not only to support and promote collaborative and multidisciplinary research projects led by young researchers but also to accelerate the transfer of discoveries from basic research to clinical research, for the benefit of patients.

Two projects will be selected this year and will receive a maximum donation of €50,000.

Jean Galfione, Liryc ambassador

Jean Galfione

“When I came to Liryc in September 2019, I was extremely impressed by the passion of the researchers, their sense of dedication and their constant challenge to revolutionize the treatment of heart rhythm diseases, which affect millions of people. in the world. I join the adventure of these people who fight to provide solutions. Do like me, come and support the Liryc Institute.” Jean Galfione, Skipper Serenis Consulting

Sharing common values of perseverance and passion for work, the Liryc Institute is happy to count on Jean Galfione as its first sponsor.