Light Up Your Heart


Faced with lives shattered every day, faced with the suffering of patients and their families, Liryc gives hope!

It is imperative to reduce the impact of heart rhythm diseases around the world.

LIRYC SAve Lives

Patiente Carina Mulder

Carina Mulder, 29 years old, saved by Liryc in 2020.

Guillemets  It all started one evening after a party at a friend’s house. A few minutes after I got home, I collapsed lifeless. My partner resuscitated me and called the emergency services. I had just gone into ventricular fibrillation.

After numerous tests which revealed that the problems were in the left ventricle, I was shocked to discover that I had a heart rhythm disorder and the life that went with it. My medical team referred me to Liryc where I underwent an ablation.

Today, this story is behind me and I can look forward to the future with peace of mind. I owe this new life to Liryc.

Axel DAVID, 19 years old, saved by Liryc in 2011.

Guillemets At the age of 7, I suffered my first sudden death: a very difficult period for me because I spent 2 weeks in a coma and when I came out I had to learn to walk, talk and eat again. Following a multiplication of these ventricular fibrillations, I was in and out of hospital until I met Dr Mélèze Hocini who proposed a personalised treatment. Indeed, an ablation was carried out in order to put an end to these recurrent fibrillations. The Liryc teams enabled me to return to a full school and social life and later to benefit from a heart transplant thanks to sufficient health conditions. I am now 19 years old and I thank Liryc for the impact it has had on the course of my life.

Read the other stories: Researchers, patrons